Chimney Rock

By Virgill Russell (Originally Published in The Freedom Call on August 23, 1984)

The flood back in Noah’s day, 
Left her standing just that way, 
Waters rushing toward the sea, 

Left for us this oddity,

With sun and wind she became dry,

And her colors shone against the sky,

To braves she was a natural lover,

Her cup was full and running over,

Time proved this to be true,

What you felt for her, she felt for you,

Feelings in the hearts of men

Reflected back to them again,

Early settlers always cheered,

And gave thanks when the rock appeared.

The message she sent was loud and clear,

you can cross the Cimarron right here,

Very often when the twilight came,

She would be surrounded by wild game,

And up in the cliffs through the cracks,

You could see the sleepy diamondbacks.

As time went by she gathered fame,

Along the road you would see her name,

Whatever distance men might live,

They would come for something she could give,

Born from water-made of dust,

She almost seemed like one of us,

Just maybe she will stand again someday


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